Go Red for Women

Circle of Red is a society of women who have the passion, the motivation and inspiration to drive and influence change in the community regarding heart health of women in their community and across the country. Circle of Red Women help support the mission of Go Red For Women® by making a personal financial commitment to the movement. Learn more at the event or Join Today!
Join Us

Make it your mission to become a part of the Circle of Red. Your support, influence and gift will make a tremendous impact in the lives of so many women. Please contact Angela Miller-Bevan at Angela.Miller-Bevan@heart.org or 805-979-5303 for more information on how you can join the Circle of Red.


Circle of Red Chair
Karen Chackel

Circle of Red Members

Laurie Barene
Dee Dee Barrett

Marlys Boehm
Louise Borgatello
Kathy Borgatello-Koeper
Tiffany Dore
Laura Drammer

Karen Engberg, M.D.
Jill Fonte
Janet Garufis
Christine Garvey

Renee Grubb
Vicki Hazard
Gerd Jordano
Irma Jurkowitz

Maxine Littlejohn
Kay Macknyk

Kathy McCarthy
Susan McKinley
Lynda Nahra
Rachel Pace
Nancy Pinner
Susan Rodriguez
Denise Sanford
Maryann Schall
Suzi Schomer
Lynda Tanner
Anne Towbes